mod ZERO is designed beautifully, with innovative user interface, fun colors and cool animations; it becomes a perfect game for everyone!
With six different levels and increasing difficulty on each higher level, mod ZERO is an amazing math game that can be played in an infite loop.
mod ZERO is entirley based on division operation. A bubble will be blown from the top with a number, burst it with an appropriate pin such that pin should be detached from a sheet on which the number can divide the bubbled number with remainder ZERO.
mod ZERO is virtually endless with no limits on highscores. But there's a big milestone to achieve, to collect 18 stars, 3 from each level to call you an actual 'mod ZERO Master Player'. Moreover, you can also compete with your friends and top players from around the world with your highscores and star collections in Game Center Leaderboards.
With fun sounds, haptic feedbacks* and vibrations, gameplay becomes an engaging experience. There are also other options available to change these gameplay experiences and modify other features, to have a gameplay that you would like to play.
Using peer-to-peer Wi-Fi technology, mod ZERO features Duet Mode, which lets you play mod ZERO with your partner sitting next to you with realtime sharing of scores, remaining lives and more!
The engaging concept of mod ZERO is enjoyed by many around the world. Have you checked it out yet?